Summer & Autumn at Fruitfields

It has been a fun summer tending to the trees and making sure they are well staked. We continue to check that our growing apples are bug and disease free and that our bees have the best possible chance to develop and be strong enough to gather nectar to make honey.

High winds and gales and our lack of thinning the apples have meant for a couple of broken apple tree limbs but this has provided a lessen for thinning apples in oncoming years.

Highlights of the summer have included running beekeeping experiences and being up close and personal with the bees. This has been sooo much fun and it is great to introduce new people to the life and setup of the honeybee.

Our apple varieties are coming on now. We have had small crops of Redditch Doddin & Pitmaston Pineapple as earlies and the Worcester Pearmains, William Crumps and other varieties such as Red Devil, Sandlin Duchess and Ashmead’s Kernel are on the way.


Posted in Apple juice, Beekeeping, Orchard.