Summer & Autumn 2022 at Fruitfields

An unforgettable Summer & Autumn at Fruitfields during 2022. The UK recorded some of the hottest temperatures on record during July & August and our fruit trees were stressed, having received minimal rain (it was the driest July since 1935). Late summer rain saved the crop.

Interestingly, it has been the best honeybee season ever. We had a settled spring with copious clover and early hedgerow flowers such as blackthorn and hawthorn. Our hives have good access to water and shade so our honeybees produced an incredible honey harvest.

We extracted our main crop of honey in early August and were pleased to enter a few jars into the local district honey show and we won the Novices section, so we are not allowed to be Novices anymore(!) or enter this section again and our winners trophy has been sent off for engraving

With the more recent funeral of Queen Elizabeth II and start of the reign of King Charles III, continued war in Ukraine and the threat of significant increase in the cost of raw materials (including glass for our glass bottles and jars) and utility prices current times are unsettled.

Therefore, it is reassuring to see the fruit crop come on as usual. We have enjoyed picking the Pitmaston Pineapples, Worcester Pearmains and the William Crumps which gave us a Medium Sweet blend & gained us a Third at the Malvern Three Counties Show. Our blend of this juice with blackcurrant received a First & Best in Show which we are still ecstatic about!

We have picked our Red Devils & our Tickled Pinks for our Pink juice which we are to process this weekend. 

The remaining apples of Sandlin Duchess, Edward VII and Bramley, combined with Ashmeads Kernels and the sweeter apples such as Red Windsor, Red Falstaff and Limelight and Egremont Russet make up our Medium Sharp which will be available from the end of October.


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