Our winter wassail in conjunction with Barnt Green Parish Council

On the 27th December, 2019, two community walks set out from the centre of Barnt Green at Millenium Park. The first walking group undertaking the 5 mile round trip comprised 42 adventurers and the 3 mile route was made up of 50. With approximately thirty people coming to our orchards directly or on their own walks, a crowd of c.130 made for a wonderful 3rd Barnt Green Wassail.

It was the first year we had members of Alvechurch Morris dancing on the top track and we were again able to process round the trees with Jez on the drums and Andy on the melodium. We were also joined by Steve as green man, aka ‘the hedge’. He really is a sight to behold, (if you notice he is there).

As the sunset and the mist came in, the crackling bonfire lit up our Fruitfields stall and Sian and myself were busy running the Wassail and dishing out the hot & cold apple juice & hot & cold cider.

We hit pots and pans and made noise as we processed around the orchard. We enjoyed a few wassailing verses and as well as hanging toast on our trees with the help of children (to attract the robins the guardians of the orchards and the noise was to keep away evil nasties) we ‘toasted’ with a ‘wassail’ and ‘drink hael’ response.

We wished the health of the apple trees for another bumper harvest in 2020 and to thank them for their bounteous crop we’ve experienced in 2019.

Thanks to Barnt Green Parish Council for their help leading the walks and promoting the event. It seems to be building each year and this year was certainly bigger & better than previous years…

Love and joy come to you and to you your wassail to… Here’s to a great start to 2020!

We must thank James Crockford (James Crockford Photography) for capturing some great shots of this event:


Posted in Apple juice, Harvest, Orchard, Wassail and tagged , , , .