Pruning Talk at local garden centre and pruning of 60 year old village apple trees

Well the UK is properly snowed in currently! Traffic chaos, gale force winds and boilers breaking down seem to be the order of the day. We’ve had some wonderful opportunities at Fruitfields to share our Worcestershire apple juice story.

Firstly, to 60 south Birmingham allotment holders at Fresh Burcot Garden Centre. Our pruning talk appeared to muster a good amount of interest and provided the basics on pruning for growth and health in your trees and pruning for vigour and fruit.

We were extremely pleased to have the opportunity to engage with Fresh at Burcot. It’s a huge thankyou to the Burcot Garden centre team for having us and we look forward to engaging with them later in the year to demonstrate some Worcestershire apple juice processing and pressing and sampling!

Today, the 2nd March, 2018 we’ve been pruning 60 year old apple trees in the neighbouring village. This was a fantastic opportunity to carry out some restorative pruning. It’s very important that we don’t kill off the tree by the strength of our pruning. So with that in mind, we removed all the water shoots, obvious crossing branches and upright shooting spurs at the canopy level which was too high. This will bring on growth lower down, and particularly on the existing lateral branches showing strong fruiting buds.

Posted in Apple juice, Pruning.